Friday, November 19, 2010

So Homo: TV's Queerest Friendships...

that I can think of right now. 
I'm a big fan of film studies and what I've noticed is that while there aren't many gay plots on television or in movies the Queer Film Theorists really [from the few things I've read] seem talk about characters that can be perceived as gay or that challenge certain gender roles in different ways. One of those ways is with friendships.

1. Boston Legal: Alan Shore and Denny Crane Part of me doesn't even feel a need to explain this one. I mean they get married at the end of the series. [Most awesome wedding ever.]

2. How I Met Your Mother: Barney and Marshal ["This is so going in my blog!"]
I mean they've kissed twice. {The second time was in a deleted scene}. And in one episode they were texting Ted pretending to be some girl and they kept fighting over Ted. It was so hilarious. However they love each other more. We all know it. 
"Here's the thing Barney, I'm snuggly. You're not. Who wouldn't wanna snuggle up to this business on a Sunday morning, wrapped in a comforter, and it's raining outside, and there's muffins warming in the oven. I'm cuddly bitch! Deal with it!" -Marshall explaining why he should be with Ted. 

3. Boy Meets World: Corey and Shawn.  They revel in innuendos and small jokes. I mean Shawn interrupts Corey and Topanga's wedding. I mean Corey loves Shawn more than Topanga anyway.

4.  Scrubs: Turk and J.D

5. Entourage. Entourage is so queer I might have to make a more developed list that's just for this one show. I mean there are so many friendships there that I"m having a hard time finding out exactly where they would fit so I"m just going to put the whole show at number 5.
  •  Drama and Turtle: They win for Entourage because they had a threesome together and because Turtle let Drama kiss his girlfriend which to me says more about his closeness with Drama than with his girl. They've always been slightly bro-er than any good friendship. 
  • Vince and E: Just like Cory and Shawn's relationship is a little queer. It consists of reminding each other how they've been friends for so long and  almost hindered E's ability to get with Sloan. Personally I think E got back with Sloan for the money and the connections.
  • Ari & Lloyd: It's hard to know whether Ari loves Vince more than he loves Lloyd. I had to go with Lloyd. It's obvious that all of Ari's homophobic comments are really him over compensating.
  • Ari & Vince: Wasn't it sweet how Ari greived when Vince fired him as his manager?

6. Family Guy: Stewie and Rupert
It was hard for me to decide whether it should be Stewie and Brian or Stewie and Rupert. But then I remember this clip and how Stewie and Brian went trying to find Rupert I realized that's true love.

7. How I met your mother: Lily and Robin
 Oh, Lily and Robin. Although they shared a short kiss they are this low on the list because of their lack of a mutual connection. Lily is  more into Robin than Robin is into Lily.
"Robin Scherbatsky is many things: friend; confidant; occasional guest star in some confusing dreams that remind me a woman's sexuality is a moving target, but she is no crazy, jealous stalker-bitch."- Lily telling Robin not to look inside Barney's brief case.
8. L Word: Kit and Ivan
They were almost in a relationship together Ivan bought Kit a car and helped pay for her business but as always things didn't work out.

 9. House: House and Wilson
Sigh. This one is also obvious.
"I'm gay!...Oh that's not what you meant. It would explain a lot, though: no girlfriend, always with Wilson, the obsession with sneakers..." - House

10. Modern Family: Cameron and Mitchell
Yes, I am aware that the characters here both gay and in a relationship together but unfortunately the show has failed when it comes to their romantic nature on the show that they might as well be friends. I mean they even hug like straight homophobes in a public place that think people are looking. The one kiss they had on the show was like in the back of the shot.They don't have to be Queer as Folk but a nice tiny Prime Time version of that.

Honorable Mention
Queer as Folk: Brian and Lindsay
We don't really live in a world where we have so many gay tv shows that it's possible to make a "TV's Straightest Friendships" list. If we did though Brian and Lindsay would be at the top of it. It's obvious how into each other they are and Lindsay seems to love Brian more than her own girlfriend anyway. Brian on the other hand loves Justin.


 Supernatural:   Sam and Dean.
Honorable Mention, because they are brothers and that's just creepy. Mentioned at all, because side characters on the show  perceive them to be gay all of the time, fan fiction sites are littered with Sam/Dean fan fiction [which the show has mocked], and because of some homophobia you see on the show. If there are any gay or rather queer ish side characters they are going to be vampires not the hunters.

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