Friday, November 26, 2010

Best Thanksgiving Items

What food do you most associate with Thanksgiving? My guess would be Turkey. And then, associated with the Turkey would be dressing or stuffing. But what's good about the Thanksgiving menu aside from the obvious Turkey? Wrote a list about it. Wanna see it? Here it goes:

1. Cranberry sauce - if I can't have (good) cranberry sauce with a Thanksgiving meal, the whole thing seems pointless.

2. Corn - I love corn, especially on the cob. Somehow, though, I never end up having corn on the cob on Thanksgiving. So creamed corn is my runner-up.

3. Broccoli (steamed or boiled) - This isn't going to appeal to everyone. This is just what I like. Broccoli seems so simple, so obvious. But never underestimate the power of simplicity.

4. Sweet potato pie - even the name sounds delicious!

5. Salad - this is cheating, because "salad" isn't a single food. It's a composite of a bunch of foods. But I have to have salad, as often as possible and as much as possible. Love it.

6. Macaroni & Cheese - I'm not a huge fan of mac & cheese, normally. But for a holiday dinner it gets transformed into something great. It's the cheese part I'm usually not partial to, but I don't mind it on the big days.

7. Rolls - Hot rolls go well with Turkey & Dressing. I prefer rolls to cornbread. Cornbread is a jealous bread. It crumbles a little when you try to eat it in hopes that you will choke and need someone to perform the Heimlich. That's really uncool.

8. Greens - I'll take turnip greens, but I like collards better.

9. Baked apples - really tasty. Used to have these when I was a kid. With honey. Success.

10. Green bean casserole - ever had this? It's pretty good. Squeaks into the number 10 position.

Peace & Hope your Thanksgiving was grand.

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