Friday, January 7, 2011

My favorite: Bath and Body Works Best Flavors.

1. Tropical ?????
One time about two years about I got some body wash. It was a some kind of tropical flavor thing. When I came back I was told that they sell it seasonally or some bulls&!# like that. I still can't remember what the name of this scent all I know is that topical is in the title. Either way it's the greatest scent I've ever smelled so it automatically gets to be number one.

2.  Midnight Pomegranate
I guess this one wins by default. I really like M. P. It's has a nice scent without making your nose want to commit suicide. Some scents are a little aggressive.
Favorite form: M. P. smells so good that I'll take it in any form it comes in. Perfume, lotion, body wash etc.

3. Japanese Cherry Blossom.
This scent is a favorite among many of my friends. It smells really good and makes the normal Cherry Blossom flavor feel inadequate.
Favorite form: Body wash or hand sanitizer. Japanese Cherry Blossom is cool and all but if I also had a lotion of it would be a little bit too much for me.

4. White Citrus
Favorite form: Perfume possibly lotion.

5. Sweet Pea
Favorite form: Hand Sanitizer

What is your favorite flavor?