Monday, November 22, 2010


Compliments (not to be confused with "complements") are awesome to give, and even better to receive. But if you listen closely you will find that there is variety in the way they are communicated. The list below offers a few examples:

1. Straightforward. This is obvious. A person just gives you a compliment. Typical construction: "Derek, you do a good job of _________."  Fill in the blank: listening, running, making Lego castles, choosing cantaloupe, planning weddings, recording television shows, etc.

2. Backwards. To the compliment giver, this may seem like a straightforward comment, but it isn't. Typical construction: "Francine, you're not bad at ____________." Fill in the blank: listening, running, making Lego castles, choosing cantaloupe, planning weddings, recording television shows, etc. Saying a person doesn't suck at something isn't the same as saying they're good at it.

3. Left-handed. Ahhh, the left-handed compliment. This remark is so sly it hardly feels like a compliment at all. Sometimes it combines elements of the Backwards compliment into its delivery. Typical construction: "Paula, for a girl with ___________, you sure do ___________!" Fill in the blanks: big feet / run fast; balance issues / dance well; so little experience / handle yourself well in meetings.

4. Sarcastic tone. On paper, this one looks like a straightforward compliment, but the tone gives it away. It's a compliment, but with a hint of jealousy, spite, or anger. Typical construction: "Wow, you sure ARE ______________".  Fill in the blank: lucky, tall, getting a lot done today, etc. Listen to the way the words are spoken.  Tone is the body language of spoken communication.

5. Hyperbole: This one goes above and beyond the call of a typical compliment. Usually the speaker is expressing the utmost enthusiasm, often accompanied by similes and metaphors. Typical construction: "Gosh, your __________ is as ___________ as ______________."  Fill in the blanks: jump shot / smooth / Michael Jordan; piano / large / a woolly mammoth; drawing / accomplished / Picasso.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out. You guys are ___________. Fill in the blank: Great readers, an awesome audience, terrific e-citizens.

Peace & Kind Words!!!!!!!!!!!

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