Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day: Sexy Poetry

When ever they talk about love they talk about people writing poetry, however when Valentine's Day comes around I don't hear anything about poetry. I personally think poetry is quite sexy (when written well) So here's a list of my favorite sexy/ romantic performance/spoken word poetry. Not all of them are about being in love so yeah enjoy. I decided to do spoken word/performance poetry because if I did written poetry it would be way too long. Also if you know of any sexy/romance related spoken word poems leave them in the comments.

Compliment - Rives: I'm posting both because the first one .. is my favorite but it has iffy sound quality.

Written Poem at

Cliff Jumping - Kris Gebhard

Find more artists like Kris Gebhard at Myspace Music

Hot For Sorrow - Derrick Brown: 
My favorite version of this poem is not on youtube. (I hate the youtube version) my favorite version is on a poetry podcast the problem is that this podcast requires that you download it so just in case you hate the song and you just think it's sooo unsexy here is a way for you to listen to it without downloading it. Now if for some magical reason you want to download it the link to the poem is at the bottom of the site.

40 Love Letters - Jeanann Verlee

Crush - Emily Kagan Trenchard and Marty McConnell

Private Parts - Sarah Kay

Honorable Mention
It's only Honorable because I put Rives at the top. He has so many sweet/sexy/romantic poems so choosing is hard but I think you'll like this one....

Friday, January 7, 2011

My favorite: Bath and Body Works Best Flavors.

1. Tropical ?????
One time about two years about I got some body wash. It was a some kind of tropical flavor thing. When I came back I was told that they sell it seasonally or some bulls&!# like that. I still can't remember what the name of this scent all I know is that topical is in the title. Either way it's the greatest scent I've ever smelled so it automatically gets to be number one.

2.  Midnight Pomegranate
I guess this one wins by default. I really like M. P. It's has a nice scent without making your nose want to commit suicide. Some scents are a little aggressive.
Favorite form: M. P. smells so good that I'll take it in any form it comes in. Perfume, lotion, body wash etc.

3. Japanese Cherry Blossom.
This scent is a favorite among many of my friends. It smells really good and makes the normal Cherry Blossom flavor feel inadequate.
Favorite form: Body wash or hand sanitizer. Japanese Cherry Blossom is cool and all but if I also had a lotion of it would be a little bit too much for me.

4. White Citrus
Favorite form: Perfume possibly lotion.

5. Sweet Pea
Favorite form: Hand Sanitizer

What is your favorite flavor?