Sunday, June 10, 2012

Top 7 Madonna Songs

Yo, if you don't dig Madonna there is something wrong with you. Okay, actually, it's perfectly fine not to dig Madonna because, for reals, the sista is a little on tilt. However, you cannot possibly deny her impact on global pop culture. So, in honor of Madge, the list below highlights my top 7 Madonna tunes. These change for me all the time, since the lady's got sooooooo many good sawngs. I am critical of the earlier work, largely because she sounded like a chipmunk. Here goes:

1. Papa Don't Preach: this song is about a pregnant daughter's plea to her father, right? Sometimes it seems like she's just talking about keeping her boyfriend (shrug). Pure genius.

2. Gone: from the "Music" album, and always overlooked. So melancholy. So sad. So me.

3. Live to Tell: you know how good this song is, so don't even try to pretend otherwise.

4. Vogue: it's that sassy little name dropping rap that seals it for me.

5. Justify My Love: Madonna, I want to kiss you in Paris, too. Cross country. In a rain storm. In Rome. So now what? So now what?

6. Don't Tell Me: take the black off a crow! She says this and I'm not even mad.

7. Nothing Really Matters: melancholy over a happy beat. Gotta love it.

Peace & blissful listening to the Material Girl!

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