Saturday, June 16, 2012

If "Dallas" is back...(Part Two)

Previously on Speakerbloggg/The List Below....

QBH posted a slice of nostalgia concerning the TV Show "Dallas" and its return to primetime on TNT Network. QBH recounted the pillaging of the 1970s and 1980s for numerous remakes and reboots and reworkings. The question then became: with all those remakes, it makes sense to remake "Dallas"; but if "Dallas" gets a remake then...

That was the cliffhanger from the previous blog post. In this post, we will find the answer.

But first, here are two things I loved about "Dallas":

1. J.R. Ewing. I'd like to say I really dug this guy for the reasons everybody else, including my mama, dug him: because he was charming and ruthless and liked to outsmart people and always had the best lines on the show. Me? Not so much. I just liked the fact that he was rich. Actually, all the characters on the show were basically rich. Even the dude who was a ranch hand turned out to be a qua-trillionaire, right? Good gracious. "Cash Rules Everything Around Me," shouts J.R. "Cream, get the money. Dolla, dolla bill y'all."

2. The fights. These people might be rich, but they can definitely throw down in a fist fight. Barroom brawls, fist fights in tuxedos, choking folks in swimming pools -- Biggie Smalls explained it many years later, "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems".

And now, the return to our regularly scheduled "Dallas" cliffhanger. Oh, yes. We wanted to know this: with so much remaking going on, it makes sense to bring back "Dallas". But if we bring back "Dallas", then what...(stay tuned for Part Three)

Peace & Pamela Barnes Ewing!

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