Monday, June 11, 2012

The Shocking Truth About Rap Music

Rap has been around since the late-70s, and arguably earlier. As such, people think they know everything there is to know about it. But guess what? You don't. Here are a few truths about rap that you should consider, whether you are a diehard vet of the hip hop culture or a complete hater:

1. Rap music has brought critical issues to the fore and sparked important public debate about police brutality, classism, xenophobia, sexual and domestic abuse, foreign policy, health care and holistic living, marriage, sexual politics, misogyny, and so much more. You don't want to admit that, then you ignore historical fact.

2. Rap music paradoxically tries to nullify the negative aspects of society while speaking the language of that society. It builds as it tears down, it perpetuates even when it destroys. It follows a blueprint that it concurrently rips to shreds. It exhibits an intelligent sort of ignorance that is both astonishing in its freshness and appalling in its execution.

3. There are too many members and affiliates in the Wu-Tang Clan. There. I said it. Somebody had to. Everybody keeps pretending they know these guys. Nah. You know Method Man, and that's about it. You wouldn't know Inspectah Deck from Inspecter Gadget.

4. Rap is a democratic institution, meaning it is run "by the people, for the people". You don't need to be able to sing or play a traditional instrument, although some rappers can sing just fine and denying that drum machines and samplers are "instruments" is one of modern society's greatest crimes against art. This freedom of creation makes rap unique. It also makes it so that there aren't really any rules to it, except those imposed by the demanding and fickle participants of the genre/culture.

5. It's really good, when it's really good.

deal with it.

Peace & Grandmaster Flash.

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